Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 12 (6-27-2011)

Today when we woke up it was raining. We were all bright eyed and bushy tailed as we loaded the bus at 7:45am. But as the morning progressed we all started to feel the effects of our busy week. For our morning break we stopped at McDonald’s. During our break we presented the autographed sign to our bus driver. As we drove down the highway we dropped kids off in Kansas City and Topeka. While driving between Topeka and Salina all of us started singing songs to keep their minds off of saying goodbye. Singing and laughing the whole way home made the ride go by so much faster. When we arrived in Salina we were in shock because we finally realized that we had to say goodbye. Some tears were shed and lots of memories made. The friendships made on this trip will last forever.

Katie Bailey
Greeley County

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