Hey, it's your favorite 4-Hers again, writing to you from Gettysburg, PA. It's been such an amazing day in the east. We're all bonding very well and have learned many important facts about our awesome country together.
The morning started out very gloomy. Also, there was a huge downpour which is something that half of us have never really seen. This all took place in a suburb of Columbus, OH. From here, the bus driver decided to take us off of the beaten path so that our viewing of the Appalachian Mts would be maximized.
Our trip was very beautiful from OH to PA. Like yesterday, it was a day mostly riding in the bus. Some interesting things happened at a few stops. When stopping for lunch in western PA, Wade Guiterrez tried to cross a rather busy street and about got hit by a F-150 pickup. The people in this group felt so grateful that he left the scene unharmed.
We all know the saying "Manure smells like money". Not all of us think it's a pleasant thought. Many sources have heard Jessica Brower say "manure smells great and just like home". Although we gave her some heck about it, she's just a great girl that loves her cattle.
Somewhere deep in the forest of the mountains, there was a card game of Egyptian Rat Killer being played in the back of the bus. The game consisted of Alex Spence, Blake McAllister, Andrew Fox and Morgan Lawrence. The interesting thing about this is that it lasted an hour and at the end someone's hand was broken!!! Okay, I'm just kidding. However, the teams were very exhausted.
Upon arriving in Gettysburg we were all set free. Almost the whole group went to the world renown Gettysburg Nat'l Cemetery. This was such a riveting experience. Some said this visit was an intense one, while others thought it was solemn and humbling.
Then it was on to the old downtown. People split up and went to many shops and restaurants. Kristen Fisher, Caitlin Young and Kendra Baumberger all had balloons made for them. Kaitlyn Dewell and Blake McAllister tried Birch Beer and it was really syrupy. Many of the Kansans ate Pumpernickel bread and got some for free.
Later in the night at the hotel, Steve McAllister entertained many with juggling.
Kaitlyn Dewell displayed the bend and snap.
Experiencing the different historical and cultural locations in the area has been mind-boggling. However, we are all very hungry for more and await arriving in Washington D.C.
As said before, we are all great friends now and are loving this sensational trip.
Blake McAllister
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