Friday, June 27, 2008

June 27th

We started out the day leaving our hotel in Huntington, West Virginia two minutes early! Yeah us!!
Four hours into our morning drive, our bus suddenly coasted to the side of the road. There we sat for two hours while we waited for a mechanic to come fix the problem. However, before the mechanic showed up, flashing lights from a police car & firemen joined us on the shoulder. The policeman came and yelled at a select few for "waving" and Flagging them down from the top of the coach.
Finally we were rescued and we stopped for lunch in the nearest town in Virginia (Lexington). But to our surprise, about 15 minutes outside of town, the coach once again broke down. This time we waited for a new coach to come for nearly 3 hours!
While waiting on the sticky, hot bus we really had the chance to get to know each other. Unfortunately we could not visit Monticello though. Instead we experienced many funny moments bonding together. For example, Molly blowing bubbles, JD teaching Emily B how to throw punches, and Aaron showing his "evil squirrel" face. When Marietta told Joe the girls brought "27 Dresses" he thought she was talking about actual clothes while in fact she was talking about the movie. Joe's facial expression was priceless.
After the new coach and driver arrived we finished our drive to Richmond, Virginia where we enjoyed a short swim in our hotel pool. Hope found out that playing chicken doesn't mean jumping in while flapping your arms.
Although, we really miss our original bus driver, Jack, our third day on the trip turned out pretty awesome!
Blogger: Jessica Bauerle

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