Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday, June 25th

Today we left on our 12 day adventure. On the bus ride we were able to meet other delegates through a process like speed dating. As we approached St. Louis, we watched a video on how the St. Louis Arch was made. Finally, we arrived in St. Louis.
After checking in at the motel, Drury Inn, the group left for a night at Union Station. One highlight of the evening was visiting the Fudgery. The fudge makers would sing and make fudge at the same time. The man said he was surprised white people have rhythm. Also, there was the whispering arch which was whisperiffic according to Jared Marcuson. When we got back to the hotel and were getting ready to get on an elevator, we kindly let a women take the first elevator. She told us that her mother was a 4-H sewing leader for 10 years and would be very proud of us.
Everyone is looking forward to the exciting week ahead!!
Blogger: Hope James

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